Monday, September 14, 2009


Addition is never the equivalent of removal. Adding healthy seed to unfertile ground does not produce a harvest. It simply produces... nothing. In fact it causes fertile sedd to wither and die. Thank God for the birds which eat the seeds and disperse it on new grounds. Addittion is never the equivalent of removal.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

3 in 1

God is entirely three in one. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Each entity has a purpose. The Father symbolizes protection ,the Son is a steward and the Holy Ghost is breath and spirit. When you truly understand this concept of 3 in 1, the way in which you are living may be completley shifted. Every person whether aware of it or not, falls into at least one of these branches. If yu understand that your life's purpose is directly inline with 3, 2, or 1, then it is alot easy to move toward and recieve a greater blessing because you recognize the natural flow of The Spirit.

The Father 3:

A protector. If you have theses qualities, then you can develop strength in the protection of prayer. Wisdom and discernment may soon follow. You spiritual and mental state will increase. Awarness is a crucial part in order to gain immunity and obtain the weapons to conquer spiritual warfare against yourself and others.

The Son 2:

Humility is a stewards greatest gift. The abillity to walk in obedience is a stewards greatest assest. Living rich is a state of mind. Living in blessins is a state of being. Taking responsibility for your actions and living in a state of improvement is just the beginning of a stewards lifestyle.

The Holy Ghost 1:

Life, spirit and energy are all parts of The Spirit. When you move in the Spirit and are filled with true, you body resonates with a great energy. This energy is almost contagious. Regardless of who or what you are around, this spirit that you have becomes apparent to people conciously or unconciously. Setting aside creed, race, background and all the other things that separated people around the world, when you move in truth it shows and is passed on to others in both minute and incredible ways.

Take a moment to think about what branch is the strongest with in you. You might be surprised

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ecclesiates 2:5

I made me gardens and orchards, and I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

uproot me so I may be planted once again

Uproot me so I may be planted once again
prune me so I may grow again

Discipline me so I may walk in freedom once again
Take from me so I may be granted more

Guide me so I may guide others
Release me so I may follow

In every bitter sip remains the sweet after taste I know to be there
Yet I am in a constant state or forgetfulness
Take me to the place where I am overwhelmed by you
and not just myself
my thoughts
the propblems I create in my mind
the way I defeat myself

when you all along showed me nothing but victory
when you all along showed me the way to break free
and I in turn took that freedom and wrapped it so tightly
around myself that it became the very thing
that suffocated me
the lie that made the truth seem fragile
and the illusion more powerful than reality

I now come to the place of reality
realizing that reality is----- I was a spiritual being before
a physical being
that I was united
before seperated
that I sang before I moaned
that I was fed before I ever experienced hunger
that I danced before I fell
that I worshipped before I idolized

Uproot me so I may be planted once again
prune me so I may grow again

Discipline me so I may walk in freedom once again
Take from me so I may be granted more

Guide me so I may guide others
Release me so I may follow