Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Spiritual Blackberries

Hunger is just as much a mental state as it is physical.  This morning I was starving but couldn't find anything to eat because I got rid of all of my food before I left for Indiana. Then I looked in my freezer and saw that there was a container of blackberries sitting there. I thought that they would have been gone, because I left them for my housemate. Anyway, the blackberries were so delicious and just what I needed. This anecdote is complete confirmation of how one can be sustained by the spirit if they just take a moment to be aware and look around for the blessings provided each and everyday. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

a new day

here i stand in the valley of discarded hopes and dreams
so many poor souls who by failed thinking
thought they were three feet ----sinking
when in reality were three feet away from breakthrough
shimmering failures dancing all about me- for they do not wish to be forgotten
glittering heartaches pulsating through me- for they desire to be someone's hope again
i feel the discarded potential of brilliant people who chose to
let fear capture them unti their wi to be alive and to thrive were cast
into the valley of discarded hopes and dreams

but its a new day a new dawn new opportunity
a new day a new dawn new responsibility

wisdom once told me
many people are so caught up in the mess of life
they forget to look for the message
yet what good is the message
if you yourself can not see the mess acknowledge the mess confront the mess
multiplying before your eyes
learning is only beneficial when you allow yourself
to be the textbook
prove to yourself that a is attainable
wisdom once told me

its a new day a new dawn new opportunity
a new day a new dawn new responsibility

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
all of these roots are climbing up from out of the ground.
passed feeling, lack of healing
dirty noise, ugly sound.

I have this idea that the only music I'll ever hear
is the sound of stagnation beatin' loud and clear.

But I want to to to
turn the things around,
and I want to to to
turn the lies around.

Times rearranging,
eyes keep on changing,
mouths spitting fury and ears disconnecting.

Bodies movin' backwards ,
brains getting weary,
thougts getting heavy
and we're still not ready

Because I'm told

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

If the heaviest rain brings the most wealth
Then this is the driest rain I've ever felt!