Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Power of Patience

In our fast paced world who has time for patience. Everything is go, go, go and nobody has a minute to stop and breathe. One of the greatest gifts that you can give someone is your attention. However, without patience there is no attention. Patience shows up in many different situations and affects people in many different ways. For most, the energy that it takes to be patient is far greater than the energy that it takes to be inpatient. There is great power in patience and even greater power in applying it. Being patience is a conscious decision, and being consistently patient takes practice. All the effort that you put into things is practically useless without patience. Impatience is the framework for failure, but patience is the foundation for success.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Climbing Mountains

Mountains were not made for us to turn our back on or shy away from, they were created for us to climb. We must climb them with strength and perseverance. We must appreciate the beauty of the struggle. If we don't realize the great gift of the struggle, then the view from the top of the mountain will just be plain. All of the effort put into climbing the mountain provides an even greater blessing when you reach the top. Instead of seeing just a nice view, you can experience a magnificent sunset or a rare bird sighting. One's mindset and attitude and action are all entirely important. Each one needs the other. Do you want to exist or live? Do you want to continue deny the opportunity to climb a mountain or limit yourself from reaching the very top? If you climb the whole mountain, what do you expect or hope to see when you're done? What mountains have you been afraid to climb? Think about it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


When you limit yourself to to pure obedience, to raw principle- you make your self limitless.

overflowing or tipped over?

We are meant to be channels of change, vessels that are overflowing. We do ourselves a disservice when we give and give out of a deficit. Cups overflowing, not tipped over.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Addition is never the equivalent of removal. Adding healthy seed to unfertile ground does not produce a harvest. It simply produces... nothing. In fact it causes fertile sedd to wither and die. Thank God for the birds which eat the seeds and disperse it on new grounds. Addittion is never the equivalent of removal.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

3 in 1

God is entirely three in one. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Each entity has a purpose. The Father symbolizes protection ,the Son is a steward and the Holy Ghost is breath and spirit. When you truly understand this concept of 3 in 1, the way in which you are living may be completley shifted. Every person whether aware of it or not, falls into at least one of these branches. If yu understand that your life's purpose is directly inline with 3, 2, or 1, then it is alot easy to move toward and recieve a greater blessing because you recognize the natural flow of The Spirit.

The Father 3:

A protector. If you have theses qualities, then you can develop strength in the protection of prayer. Wisdom and discernment may soon follow. You spiritual and mental state will increase. Awarness is a crucial part in order to gain immunity and obtain the weapons to conquer spiritual warfare against yourself and others.

The Son 2:

Humility is a stewards greatest gift. The abillity to walk in obedience is a stewards greatest assest. Living rich is a state of mind. Living in blessins is a state of being. Taking responsibility for your actions and living in a state of improvement is just the beginning of a stewards lifestyle.

The Holy Ghost 1:

Life, spirit and energy are all parts of The Spirit. When you move in the Spirit and are filled with true, you body resonates with a great energy. This energy is almost contagious. Regardless of who or what you are around, this spirit that you have becomes apparent to people conciously or unconciously. Setting aside creed, race, background and all the other things that separated people around the world, when you move in truth it shows and is passed on to others in both minute and incredible ways.

Take a moment to think about what branch is the strongest with in you. You might be surprised

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ecclesiates 2:5

I made me gardens and orchards, and I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

uproot me so I may be planted once again

Uproot me so I may be planted once again
prune me so I may grow again

Discipline me so I may walk in freedom once again
Take from me so I may be granted more

Guide me so I may guide others
Release me so I may follow

In every bitter sip remains the sweet after taste I know to be there
Yet I am in a constant state or forgetfulness
Take me to the place where I am overwhelmed by you
and not just myself
my thoughts
the propblems I create in my mind
the way I defeat myself

when you all along showed me nothing but victory
when you all along showed me the way to break free
and I in turn took that freedom and wrapped it so tightly
around myself that it became the very thing
that suffocated me
the lie that made the truth seem fragile
and the illusion more powerful than reality

I now come to the place of reality
realizing that reality is----- I was a spiritual being before
a physical being
that I was united
before seperated
that I sang before I moaned
that I was fed before I ever experienced hunger
that I danced before I fell
that I worshipped before I idolized

Uproot me so I may be planted once again
prune me so I may grow again

Discipline me so I may walk in freedom once again
Take from me so I may be granted more

Guide me so I may guide others
Release me so I may follow

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Spiritual Blackberries

Hunger is just as much a mental state as it is physical.  This morning I was starving but couldn't find anything to eat because I got rid of all of my food before I left for Indiana. Then I looked in my freezer and saw that there was a container of blackberries sitting there. I thought that they would have been gone, because I left them for my housemate. Anyway, the blackberries were so delicious and just what I needed. This anecdote is complete confirmation of how one can be sustained by the spirit if they just take a moment to be aware and look around for the blessings provided each and everyday. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

a new day

here i stand in the valley of discarded hopes and dreams
so many poor souls who by failed thinking
thought they were three feet ----sinking
when in reality were three feet away from breakthrough
shimmering failures dancing all about me- for they do not wish to be forgotten
glittering heartaches pulsating through me- for they desire to be someone's hope again
i feel the discarded potential of brilliant people who chose to
let fear capture them unti their wi to be alive and to thrive were cast
into the valley of discarded hopes and dreams

but its a new day a new dawn new opportunity
a new day a new dawn new responsibility

wisdom once told me
many people are so caught up in the mess of life
they forget to look for the message
yet what good is the message
if you yourself can not see the mess acknowledge the mess confront the mess
multiplying before your eyes
learning is only beneficial when you allow yourself
to be the textbook
prove to yourself that a is attainable
wisdom once told me

its a new day a new dawn new opportunity
a new day a new dawn new responsibility

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
all of these roots are climbing up from out of the ground.
passed feeling, lack of healing
dirty noise, ugly sound.

I have this idea that the only music I'll ever hear
is the sound of stagnation beatin' loud and clear.

But I want to to to
turn the things around,
and I want to to to
turn the lies around.

Times rearranging,
eyes keep on changing,
mouths spitting fury and ears disconnecting.

Bodies movin' backwards ,
brains getting weary,
thougts getting heavy
and we're still not ready

Because I'm told

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

If the heaviest rain brings the most wealth
Then this is the driest rain I've ever felt!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

plant a seed, get a harvest

We had a wonderful discussion about everything that we do to others is brought back upon us. PG talked from Galatians 6:4-8
Galatians 6:5-8:

4 -5Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.

6Be very sure now, you who have been trained to a self-sufficient maturity, that you enter into a generous common life with those who have trained you, sharing all the good things that you have and experience.

7 -8Don't be misled: No one makes a fool of God. What a person plants, he will harvest. The person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs of others—ignoring God!—harvests a crop of weeds. All he'll have to show for his life is weeds! But the one who plants in response to God, letting God's Spirit do the growth work in him, harvests a crop of real life, eternal life.

So basically if we are tired of people lying to us, we should make sure we are being truthful in all we do!!!!! Plant a seed, get a harvest. Of what?? I do not know... what are you planting?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Hate of Man

The Hate of Man

There are many things to say about the hate of man:

1. It brings pigs to the table undercooked and swelling

upon blue checkered table cloths.

2. Although the hate of man may vary in stature and tone,

it is always comprised entirely of ignorance and fear.

3. In the forest green, ideas are hacked away without mercy.

4. Under navy blue skies words are raped and language is insulted.

5. Bellowing rivers die out spitting splinters of shame.

6. Archaic rocks shift slowly, saddened by the digression of hours.

7. Everything becomes scattered and tasteless.

8. There are bland conceptions out there, that want 

to peel off their few layers and dive free form into a well


9. Oh, a stern existence it is to live in a world where terror swallows every bit of logic.

10. When open eyes range, the aged body recognizes 

that some of the greatest tragedies are spoken in silence.

11. When I completely understood this, I uttered a sadness 

that screamed deafening nonsense only audible to the most basic of creatures,

and the only one who could respond to these words was the past.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

I am not death's victim

The pressure of the unknown
weighs heavier on me than my present affliction
yet visions of future victory
illuminate... shatter......... break through

the cloud of death that darkens
cessations of every sort occur
yet life that arises after the ceasing
victorious... unstopable.. unbreakable

I can not escape you
but I can rise above you

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The mighty oak's secret

The mighty oak's secret

A seed once asked the mighty oak how he grew so tall
The mighty oak replied" by perseverance: I soaked up the water, split through my shell.....a stretched until I finally sprung out of the Earth.
the sprout then asked the mighty oak how he grew so round
The mighty oak replied" time: year by year I added layers till I reached the girth I am now."
The young sapling then asked the mighty oak how he produced so much fruit
The mighty oak replied"through much pruning. One must know what is productive to let go of.
The tree then asked the mighty oak how he grew grew so steadfast
The mighty oak replied" by testing: the lightning struck,the winds blew, droughts came yet I was unmoving.

The tall tree knew perseverance, time, pruning, and testing had been essential to her success. Yet there was something very valuable she felt missing from the equation
The wise Oak knew what the tree was thinking and said
" Oh you blossoming tree so mighty and sweet,you are right in your observation of needing more than what you know you have gained. Your true strength has been with you all along. It is not seen, hidden below. It is your roots. Without your roots you would not have had the perseverance to stretch forth, the ability to wait as you matured, withstand pruning, nor stood strong when tested. My secret lies in my roots which are planted deep. When I whither away,my roots will remain. And it was from my seed in which you came from.

Psalm 1

1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.
2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.
3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.
5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
6 For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pain platform

Using your pain as a platform: Each of us use pain as a platform. Whether it is used as a step stool to step down from what we are meant to do , a platform to offer yourself as a living martyr(the world owes me big time), or as a platform to move above your present circumstance. Unfortunately most people do not use their pain as a means to gain, or to advance. Even more unfortunate is the fact that the World is full of pain. One who has the mindset that pain stunts will continue the painful process of being IN PAIN. I choose to look t every opportunity as a means to grow.. and not so much as whether it is comfortable or uncomfortable. That way my results will always be the same:growth!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Feel free to weep. Embrace hardship. Know this: you tears will be the gateway to your future. They water the ground in which one day you will grow your roots.

Downside -Up

What is your favorite part of a tree? Perhaps the beautiful limbs? The leaves dancing in the wind? The succulent fruit? The impossing trunk? Well my favorite part of the tree is the roots. They are hidden yet vital to the health of the tree. Nutrients are gained through the soil. Support of the tree is found in the root system. There are beautiful trees that do not have strong roots. Eventually the tree will die. I painted a picture once where the tree was upside down. The roots were facing the sun, while the actual tree was underground. I began to realize that I want my roots to be exposed continually. I want my success to be based upon solid truth and not simply pretty results. Our lives can only progress when we continually evauate ourselves. When our scale for evaluation is based upon outward appearances only, we often decieve ourselves. Return to the roots. If something is based on lies or hurt, up root whether it appears healthy or not. If you have a small pant but see deep roots, cultivate the plant in order that it may become stronger.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


I have created this blog as a means to share my thoughts and direction for the rising generation of men and women who desire truth, power, and love to be the banners by which they follow. I will be posting personal revelations. This space will also be used as a forum for a Young Adults group starting on July 6, 2009.